GALEN - 2016
Overall Objectives
Overall Objectives

Section: New Results

Pattern analysis of EEG signals with epileptic activity

Paticipants: Evangelia Zacharaki (in collaboration with Prof. M. Megalooikonomou, University of Patras and M. Koutroumanidis, King’s College, London)

We have addressed the needs of epileptic patients and healthcare professionals, aiming at the design and development of a non-intrusive personal health system for the monitoring and analysis of epilepsy-relevant multi-parametric data and the documentation of the epilepsy related symptoms. Specifically, we investigated the classification of epileptic and non-epileptic events from EEG based on temporal and spectral analysis and different fusion schemes [9]. We also studied the EEG brain activity during whole night sleep, since sleep is recognized as a major precipitator of epileptic activity [12].